
CicLAvia is a fantastic event in LA modeled after Bogota, Colombia's weekly bike event: Ciclovia. Running every Sunday morning for the last three and a half decades, Bogota's Ciclovia closes more than 80 miles of roads to auto traffic. The city becomes alive with energy and people from all walks of life cruise the streets and enjoy their otherwise traffic-choked city.

LA's version is slighlty less expansive and less frequent, but the momentum is growing with each and every successive event. It is a great opportunity to get outside and safely share the road with thousands of fellow riders (and walkers/skaters/dogs/etc.) Each time the route different, giving you a chance to see parts of the city you might not even know existing. The third and final event of 2013 is coming up on Sunday, October 6, 2013 from 9a to 4p. It uses a hub a spoke model centered in downtown LA and reading out into Macarthur Park, Chinatown, Boyle Heights, and the fashion district. Read more at A few pictures from the June 2013 CicLAvia shown below.



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